Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Power Of Our Subconscious Mind

By Richard Kimball

Have you ever fully appreciated that marvelous tool for success that each and every one of us has at our command? It is our mind.

Theodore Roosevelt

All the resources we need are in the mind.

In the novel Terminal Man by Michael Crichton, it mentions that at that time (1972) the largest and most expensive computer had the same number of circuits as the brain of an ant. To make a computer with the capacity of the human brain would require the size of a huge skyscraper. Its energy demand would be the equivalent of a city of a half a million.

I know computers have come a long way since 1972 but it shows the tremendous capacity of the human mind.

Did you know our conscious mind is only one-sixth of our brains thinking and power? Our subconscious mind represents five-sixths of our thinking and power.

The whole mind, conscious and subconscious, possesses the power to solve any problem that may come up, or provide the necessary ways and means through which we can achieve our ends.

The conscious mind holds only about 7 pieces of information in short-term memory. Your sub-conscious mind, however, stores all the knowledge you have ever acquired. Everything you have ever read, heard, thought or imagined is held within its immense memory.

Brain researchers estimate that your unconscious mind outweighs the conscious on a scale of ten million to one. This is the source of your hidden, natural genius. In other words, this part of you is much smarter than you think you are. This is where the great artists, writers, and poets to get their inspiration.

Albert Einstein

The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you, and you dont know how or why.

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

The subconscious mind is useful in two ways. The first way involves receiving information, solving problems, and receiving inspiration.

The second way deals with programming your mind to supercharge your confidence, your self-image, and your desired beliefs. This can take a little time at first but like many things gets easier with practice.

Programming your subconscious works best through visualization. Pictures and symbols are by far the most effective way of impressing your subconscious. Speaking of symbols and pictures, this is why dreams are largely symbolic in nature. While you sleep your mind processes information and presents it back in the form of symbolic pictures.

Whats great about your subconscious mind is that it never rests. Whatever goal or problem you give your subconscious, it will work on continually, day or night.

Whatever you think and ponder about deeply with strong emotion makes a strong impression on your subconscious. This is why you also need to be careful. Excessive worrying and negative self-talk can also make strong impressions.

You want your subconscious mind to be a goal achieving, success mechanism, not a failure mechanism.

Richard Kimball is a successful entrepreneur, artist, and teacher. His latest project is to share the universal principles of success so that others can achieve prosperity and the fulfillment of their dreams. Website: Building A Successful Life

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Discover The Six Traits Of Successful People

By Monica Willyard

Have you ever wondered why successful people seem to turn everything they touch into gold while you seem to be stuck with a pocketful of lead? Do you tell yourself that they must have been born with more money, better looks, and a better education than you? Even as you comfort yourself with this line of thought, do you find yourself pushing away the knowledge that people like Ogg Mandino and Zig Ziglar were dirt poor and that Dave Thomas never graduated from high school?

I have spent most of my adult life studying the lives of people who are successful in life and in business because I wanted to be one too. My discoveries parallel those of Napoleon Hill, Robert Allen, and Thomas J. Stanley, 3 men who have also spent many years studying the habits of successful people. Here are six traits that successful people share, traits you can learn and develop for yourself.

1. Successful people are dedicated learners, most of them reading for hours each day. They seem to know intuitively that continuing to learn about the world and other people is part of what lets them be creative and make sound decisions.

2. Successful people have a burning desire to accomplish the thing they are working on. It's more than a passing fancy, more intense than a dream, and is more focused than a goal. It is a melding of logic, emotion, and the spirit. Do you remember when you fell in love for the first time? That intensity is a component of burning desire.

3. Successful people develop highly specialized knowledge. They are experts in their chosen field and have learned every aspect of their field or niche. Though they do read and learn about other subjects, successful people become deeply involved in their chosen field and are rewarded for their expertise.

4. Successful people are disciplined. They use discipline to keep themselves focused, and they count on discipline to get them through hard times when they may be discouraged emotionally. Discipline gives them the self-control to do the things that aren't very much fun but must be done if their project is to succeed. I read somewhere that successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. I like that saying because it doesn't say that successful people necessarily like doing what unsuccessful people aren't willing to do. It just means that they get the thing done and keep moving.

5. Successful people tend to have a decisive nature. They are able to make most decisions fairly quickly and don't second guess themselves once a choice is made. They take full responsibility for their choices, whether the decision was the right one or not.

6. Successful people surround themselves with other successful people and people who have a can-do attitude. This is what people are referring to when they talk about a mastermind group. They network with other people and turn to successful people for encouragement when times are hard. They seem to actively avoid working with people who are habitually negative. They do their brainstorming with a carefully chosen mastermind group, and they don't let negative people steal their dreams.

Look over this list of traits of successful people. How many of them do you see in your life? What can you do to encourage development of these traits in your life? If you don't have one, what could you do to develop a mastermind group of your own?

Monica Willyard trains home business champions. She provides personal mentoring combined with a road-tested game plan that gets results. Want to know more?
Surf over to http://www.clarion-jayde-publishing.com/ today.

Monday, August 20, 2007

7 Timeless Secrets for Success

Copyright 2006 Colleen Kettenhofen

If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are an excellent leader. Dolly Parton

1. When you love what you do, its not work, it energizes you. Whether you want to start a business, or achieve overall greater business success, you must start with a burning desire. There will be roadblocks and detours along the way. Without the fuel of passion and feeling of purpose, its easy to become overwhelmed, lose focus and give up entirely. When I was in sales, I loved going to work and having that customer connection. The only reason I eventually left was I possessed an even greater passion for connecting through speaking, training and writing. Theres a strong sense of accomplishment for me at the end of a speaking engagement when people report that they feel a newfound sense of control. They say they cant wait to implement the proven techniques to resolve issues such as dealing with a difficult person or employee, overcoming procrastination, or improving their public speaking skills and achieving greater business success. Often, people who are close to finding their dream simply need to fine tune it. Consider seeing a career counselor so you can channel your passion.

2. Achieving greater business success means practicing delayed gratification and greater discipline. It is said that many people starting a business or making a career change would do better to rent for a while and not have the added expense of a mortgage. A key trait of successful people is the ability to see things from a long-term perspective. Get rid of extra things and frivolous expenses that are holding you back. It may be important for you to surround yourself with a team of experts such as a reliable accountant, attorney, motivation coach, financial planner, and possibly a graphic artist and web designer. Put simply, successful people often make themselves do things that others dont want to do.

3. Clarify your core values. Make sure your goals are consistent with whats important to you. Otherwise, no matter how much you think you want something, you wont work hard to achieve it. Write down every personal and professional goal you think you want to accomplish. Make sure theyre realistic. Ask yourself if each one is consistent with giving you greater peace of mind and happiness. For example, if freedom and staying home with your children is important to you, will this new job allow you to do that? If not, no matter how high paying it is, it wont matter. Youll find excuses for procrastinating and not doing it. So start clarifying your values.

4. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Research shows we will do more to avoid pain than to get pleasure. Theres a strong correlation between fear and procrastination. Often we procrastinate something because deep down we associate that activity or goal with some type of pain. For example, I know of a colleague who procrastinated starting what is now a very successful business out of concern shed exceed her husband financially. The business has proven so successful the husband now works for her. He says she is easier to be around because shes fulfilling a creative need. Not to mention the added security of more family income. In order to be successful, whether it's entering into a new relationship or achieving greater business success, sometimes you have to be willing to be terrified.

5. Learn to overcome procrastination. A key ingredient for success is overcoming procrastination. Research shows its usually the harder tasks that we dont want to do that are imperative in helping us achieve our goals. Break down each task or project into baby steps. To avoid overwhelm, avoid saying to yourself, Im going to sit down and work on this for the next four hours straight. Instead, say, Ill work on this first thing tomorrow morning from just 8:30 a.m. until 9:15 a.m. Then, if I want to stop I will. During this time, we often end up on a roll and want to keep going. The hardest part is getting started.

Once you are on a roll, whatever you do, dont stop until your task is 100% complete. Research points to the fact that its much harder to start a task, stop, and then try to pick it up again. Keep in mind that everything you procrastinate today only compounds tomorrows pressure. To be motivated toward your goal requires you to have strong motive and get moving.

6. Accept responsibility. Once you know what you want to achieve, whether it's personal success or business success, recognize that you and you alone are responsible for making it happen. Take responsibility for the choices youve made in the past. You cant control many external circumstances around you, such as other people or their opinion of you, but you can control your thoughts and your environment. Remember the saying, What other people think of you is none of your business!

7. Take action, write down your goals, and commit them to someone supportive. Make them specific, measurable and realistic. Next to each goal, write down one action step you can take today to bring you closer to accomplishing it. Share them with someone supportive. Give them specific time frames (the date and the time) for when you are going to take these action steps. Have them check up on you for accountability. Holding yourself accountable is a central key to success. Keep a written copy of your goals in your wallet and look at them every day. Subconsciously your mind will start coming up with ideas for achieving your goals. When you get these ideas, write them down immediately. Youll begin attracting into your life people and circumstances that can get you there.

Keep in mind that whats going on outside you is a result of whats going on INSIDE you. What self-limiting belief do you have about your skills and abilities? Take stock and be honest with yourself. The average person has 50,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day. When we talk to ourselves about ourselves, much of that self-talk is negative. We are usually our harshest critic. As the saying goes, How many times in a day do we should all over ourselves with everything that we should be doing?! Always rememberstrive for progress, not perfection.

Success is relative. It is what we can make of the mess we have made of things. T.S. Eliot

Colleen Kettenhofen is a motivational speaker, workplace expert, co-author of "The Masters of Success," as featured on the Today Show, along with Ken Blanchard and Jack Canfield. To order the book, or for more free articles and free newsletter visit www.ColleenSpeaks.com or call (800)323-0683. Popular topics: leadership, management, difficult people, public speaking, success. You are free to repost or reprint this article provided Colleen Kettenhofen's name and website are included. www.ColleenSpeaks.com

Saturday, August 18, 2007

How the TV Show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" Teaches You to Be Successful

By David W Johnson

Ive never watched the TV program Who Wants to Be a Millionaire but I realize it teaches a valuable lesson on how to become successful.

The premise of the show seems simple enough. Youre asked a multiple-choice question and if you answer correctly, you win the stated dollar amount. If you want to continue and win more, you risk the amount won so far. The game ends when youve won $1 million, or you stop playing, or you answer the question wrong and lose all your winnings.

The interesting part of the game is the questions asked are more difficult to answer at each level to the $1 million. Success in any endeavor works the same way. Youll have harder challenges to solve as you get closer to achieving your goals.

Success comes in all shapes and sizes. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire shows that easy questions earn small rewards and harder questions deserve bigger rewards.

Success however has one undeniable and often rejected natural law It aint easy.

Read any biography of a successful person and theyll tell you of the challenges they faced on their journey to success. Few had it easy and the rest had to prove they were worthy of receiving success.

Funny thing about natural law, it sometimes doesnt follow its own rule. Every once in a while someone gets a pass and success happens easily.

How pointless would Who Wants to Be a Millionaire be if every question to $1 million could be answered by a 5-year old? How apathetic would you become if you never failed?

You might be saying to yourself, If I had Bill Gates money, I wouldnt mind a little apathy.

Did I tell you apathy also has its own natural law Dont make me hurt you. It will put challenges purposely in front of you. Face the challenge and everything is possible. Ignore the challenge and suffer the consequence.

Without challenge, success is meaningless. This is why the audience cheers-on the contestant, everyone dreams of being their personal hero, and you keep getting up in the morning to take another stab at it.

Achieve success sooner with education, association and participation. For more information and our FREE report "Wealth Building and Success Here's Your First Step!", go to www.quest4u.cc

Monday, August 13, 2007

Your Motivation for Success

By Liane Bate

If you are someone who follows my article posts, you may have noticed that I haven't written so many lately...Why? Okay, excuse time! It's summertime, I love the sun, being outdoors, and being active, and this has been one of our very few heat-wave type summers! No, that doesn't mean I have lost my motivation to be successful at my online business, but let's face it, we all go through ups and downs, productive times and unproductive times - and this maybe isn't my most productive time of year. Maybe it's a good thing I live in Canada where there are four seasons and not just one hot, sun-sizzling summer year round! Yes, I am truly blessed to be where I am. As much as I love the outdoors and enjoying the beauty and solitude of the Rocky Mountains, I also have a pretty strong work ethic that makes me want to be the best I can be at the online business that I have started. At times like these it is tough to stay motivated, but that's precisely when you have to take charge of your self and the direction you are headed.

A lot of motivation has to do with your attitude about yourself, your life, and your direction. You know what I'm going to say...If it's the pits, then so is your level of motivation. Attitude is not only about the state of mind you are in - it's also about taking action. You not only have to think what it takes, you have to do what it takes to get your desired results. What some people don't realize is that a lot of what it takes to have a positive attitude is all about self-maintenance. Taking care of your physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, and intellectual self is the key to maintaining a healthy attitude that leads to success. Simply having an awareness of what motivates, challenges, and inspires you can give you the energy and passion you need to do what it takes.

I know it's not easy to always stay positive. Truth be known, I have always been very strong, but never the perfect model of positive thinking. I am working on it though, and the more I learn about success, internet marketing, and personal development, the more I feel changes taking place within me that feel good and that I know are steps in the right direction. It's important to engage yourself in continuous, life-long learning in any area that interests you. But when you make an investment in yourself and your success, then you are doing yourself a huge favor.

You never really become a true master of yourself as things change, people change, and circumstances change. That's why learning is a life-long process. Once it stops, you stop growing, and when you stop growing, you are stuck with negativity, which always finds a way of sneaking in and taking hold of you. So keep your learning in check, and keep yourself in check. When you have mastered this concept, then you can take things a step further by realizing the importance of giving something to others, or making a contribution. When you do things for other people, you have found a cause greater than yourself, and this can only make you better.

Be sure to know why you are doing what you are doing. It may be tedious to write down what you want out of life, but when you have it in writing, you can read it over and over again when times get tough, as a reminder of what you're shooting for. Our minds can be nasty sometimes - flooding us with negative thoughts that can completely take over. We need constant reminders, just like a refresher course they offer in schools. Even though we already know the concepts and know what it takes, how we have to think, and what to do, there are just too many outside influences that affect our thinking, and our attitudes. Writing what we want down on paper, and keeping it in front of us where we can read it often will help us stay focused, motivated and successful. This article is my partial written word of inspiration to keep me learning and motivated. I hope it helps you too!

Liane Bate owns a Plugin Profit Site web business, and is a member of Success University. Learn more about motivation at: www.HonestMoneyMaking.com

Saturday, August 11, 2007

How to Turn Fear into Success

By Terence Young

Fear can be a healthy emotion. When a person is completely fearless, such as a person who is experiencing a manic episode, they can gamble away the family's life savings or risk their life and honor in foolish behavior. There is a natural aspect of fear that protects us from disaster. On the other hand, fear can keep us from success. While natural caution is a good thing, there is also a place for taking a risk, especially when you are seeking to gain success.

Some common fears are those that involve other people. Extreme shyness, for example, is really much like a fear of other people. Shy people might be afraid that others will reject them or dislike them. Another people fear that many people have is that of public speaking. Oddly, many people who are not afraid in a one-on-one people situation can be paralyzed by the thought of speaking before a group. In fact, public speaking often ranks first on surveys of common fears people have.

Being bold and brave around people, whether one-on-one or before a group, is a necessary element of success. If you have people fears to overcome, keep this in mind. In many ways, a person who is shy is actually a better candidate for success than the bold extrovert. Why is this so? It is because the shy person often has more of an awareness and even respect for others than the extrovert.

We've all met the pushy salesman type of person, who seems to have absolutely no respect for us as an individual but only wants what he or she can get from us. If you have a respectful fear of people, you won't become this type of businessperson! However, the flip side of this is that your fear might be rooted in an unrealistically negative opinion of yourself.

Think about your fear of people. Is it because you respect them or because you don't have a very good view of yourself? Here is a nugget of wisdom that can even be found in the Bible. Don't compare yourself with others. The Good Book says that when we compare ourselves among ourselves we are not wise. Everyone has good points and bad points. Instead of comparing yourself with someone else, try comparing yourself to who you were yesterday.

The other fear that can hinder your success is the fear to take a risk. This can be a fear of failure or a fear of the unknown. Maybe you're even a little afraid of success! Are those risky events as big a risk as not taking a chance on success? Think about it. Doing nothing is risky, too. If you really want to be a success and reach your deepest goals and dreams, you will have to step out and take action someday. In fact, today is the day.

Risk taking gets easier with practice. You might have to give yourself a big shove to take the first scary step toward success, but the next step shouldn't be quite so scary. If it is, just keep stepping. Many people have overcome their fears through positive thought processes and facing those fears head-on. Don't let fear keep you from success.

For more personal growth articles visit: www.personalgrowthunlimited.com

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Integrity and Prosperity

Copyright 2006 Daniel Sitter

The word integrity is passed around a lot. Many people use it without proper reflection upon what it encompasses. It is bantered about as a much more casual word might be. Why is that? Could it be that its far easier to use the word that it is to live by it? A life guided by integrity is certainly not a rare occurrence, but one that when observed, yields a sense of completeness, harmony and prosperity that transcends more than just the monetary.

Websters dictionary defines integrity as firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values and describes a person of integrity as incorruptible. I prefer a much more simplified and applicable definition that can touch each of us wherever we are: Integrity is what you do and how you behave when there is no one watching. Of course, I believe that there is always a righteous God watching. However, there are certainly those persons that are not as concerned about that fact as they might well be, but that is a topic for another day.

How does integrity relate to prosperity? After all, they are not mutually exclusive. Its really quite simple we reap what we sow. Man was given a conscience to act as a moral compass, a barometer, constantly receiving feedback from our thoughts and actions and then responding back to us with guidance. If we sow with integrity, we will also reap in abundance. Our reputation will grow and we will discover that we are the type of person that others will seek out to have business transactions with. This will grow exponentially and our prosperity is assured. The prosperity I speak of here is also one of peace, harmony, satisfaction, fulfillment as well as the monetary reward.

Some time ago, I came across a paper entitled Ten Affirmations of Integrity on which there was no mention of the author. These affirmations are simple, yet so very profound. Read them now and again each morning as you wake and again each evening as you prepare for sleep. Internalize them and you will certainly prosper.

1. When I make a promise, I will keep that promise.How many times do people say something or make a promise that they have absolutely no intention of ever keeping? Do you ever catch yourself saying something to someone just to shut them up, simply telling them what they want to hear?

2. When I set a goal, I will work to achieve it.Would you believe that most of us do not have any written goals? Most people have dreams or wants that they simply keep in their heads. These thought are fleeting and often tend to morph into new ideas or wants on a frequent basis like the winds. Learn to write down your goals and identify the steps necessary to achieve them. Review them daily and track your progress. It only takes a few minutes to do, but most of us will not bother.

3. I will treat others as I would treat myself.The golden rulewhere have we heard that before! This one is a gold mine ready to be enjoyed. Simply treat others with dignity and respect. You will certainly stand out in the crowd.

4. I will conduct my life with excellence.Commit to living your life as if you were always being scrutinized. The word shortcut is not even in your vocabulary. See things completely through by creating mental pictures of your goal. Do your very best always. Finish what you start. Never quit and never give up. Always look to uplift others with a kind word or action.

5. I will be personally accountable.Realize that you are responsible for you. There is no blame or credit to be blanketed on others. Stand on your personal word. Mean what you say and do what you mean to. Take pride in doing the small things that make a big difference. Dont ever be afraid to admit you might be wrong. When wrong, make it right. Take a stand.

6. I will face my mistakes and grow from them.Everyone makes mistakes. The key point is that we should always strive to eliminate the possibility of making the same mistake twice. We do that by examining our mistake, determining the reason for it and where we went off course. Gather as much insight as possible from the situation and make note of what you would do differently when the same opportunity comes your way again. Admit your mistakes. Learn from them.

7. I will relate to others with honesty.Be honest with yourself and your dealings with others. Dont ever justify a lie by calling it a stretch of the truth or a white lie that wont hurt anyone. You will soon find yourself telling another lie to conceal the first one and so on. It is always best to tell the truth. Most people will respect you for it, even if you were wrong. Strength of character is forged from honesty and respect.

8. I will show respect for authority.Everyone is subject to someone or something. We teach our children to respect their parents, grandparents, teachers, leaders, crossing guard and other adults in their lives. In the same way, we as adults need to respect the authority of others, especially while on their turf. Remember that the next time you are in the library or the movie theater when someone far younger than you asks you to please be quiet or turn off your cell phone.

9. I will honor my debts.We live in a disposable culture. This has stretched well beyond mere things to include institutions such as marriage and family. How many commercials currently parade across our televisions promising debt relief or financial freedom? Shakespeare said neither a borrower nor a lender be and he was right. There is no running out on accumulated debt while maintaining honor. If necessary, sit down with a financial expert and design a plan to gradually work your way out of debt. A winner will always honor his debts, sleeping peacefully in the process.

10. I will love people and use things.

People are not pawns to be manipulated for personal gain, but that is exactly how some of us treat others if it will benefit us in some way. People of integrity will always seek to build up others, edifying them and encouraging them to victory. People lacking integrity selfishly seek their own agenda without concern for anyone else. This is not how we were designed by our Creator to interact with each other. We are interdependent beings, not isolated islands.

Integrity is a trait most admired by winners. It is such a quality in man that it is eagerly sought out by employers, diplomats, teachers, negotiators, pastors and many others. Given a choice of several similarly talented individuals from which there will be a single job awarded, the person of integrity will most likely stand out and be awarded that employment. In a leadership arena, such as an emergency situation, where someone must surely take charge, the person of integrity will rise to the occasion and will quickly garner the respect of those around her, allowing for her leadership to take over. Her integrity will ensure her leadership because those around her will sense her discerning abilities.Integrity, of course, will not absolutely guarantee prosperity, but I submit that people of integrity sleep better, work more efficiently and attract a more qualified and capable inner circle of friends and associates from whom they gather advice, recommendations and counsel. This cabinet of leaders and qualified experts will almost always ensure their success at most any endeavor they undertake. Integrity is a critical yardstick by which we will be judged by our peers, our critics and our God. It is an ideal where we cannot afford to fall short.

Daniel Sitter, author of both the popular e-book, Learning For Profit, and the highly anticipated book, Superior Selling Skills, has extensive experience in sales, training, marketing and personal development over a successful 25 year career. http://www.learningforprofit.com/

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Blueprint for Success: Defining Your Goals

By Nishanth Reddy

Goal means what your aim to reach in the future. In your life establishing goals has a positive impact. A goal is a specific, assessable result that you want to generate at a determinable time in the future. But if what you hope to achieve in life is based on your expectations, rather than on working to reach established goals.Your goals are the stepping-stones toward the understanding of your dreams, the second key element in the blueprint of your life.

Goals are experiences you have not yet had, places you have not yet been, people you have not met, a level of income you have not achieved, a type of relationship you are not now enjoying, or having something you don't currently own.Like your dreams, there is no limit to the number of goals you can set other than the limits of your imagination.
And althoughGoals represent what you intend to achieve in the future, they are always set and worked on in the present.

In university business school graduates who had been out of school for ten years was conducted to determine how they were succeeding toward their goals. Amazingly, 83 percent of the graduates had set no goals at all. This 83 percent reported that they were working hard and staying busy but had no specific future plans. Another 14 percent had goals, but their goals were mental, not written. However, this 14 percent was earning on the average three times the income of those who had no goals at all. Only 3 percent of the entire graduate group had written goals. That 3 percent was earning a whopping ten times what those with no goals were earning.

Particularly goals are written very clearly. Written goals made a dramatic difference in their income levels. Make the difference in your goal is specific level of achievement. Among the business school graduates in the study, the short time they spent establishing.

Clear establish a goal has a positive impact on your life. But if what you hope to achieve in life is based on your expectations, rather than on working to reach established goals, you are setting yourself up for the possibility of disappointment. Expectations have to do with how you believe other people should behave, and how the world should bend at your command.

Your expectations may result in a large amount of grief, whereas established goals will result in a large amount of satisfaction and success. When develop your goal is clear than the winning choice is clear, drop your expectations. It is a mistake to expect that you will accomplish any goal because you deserve it or because there is something in your past that entitles you to it. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as "deserve." You end up achieving in life because of planning and control, not because you have "paid your dues".

3 Steps to Developing Passion Taking Action

Passion for anything occurs at the moment you get a glimpse of the potential for the project, yourself, your mission, and so on. How do you develop passion? The following steps take a look at how you develop passion:

1. Take steps toward your goals. As your plans unfold, each step that you take toward your goals has a direct bearing on your excitement, enthusiasm, and confidence. As you enjoy little successes, your imagination explodes, and passion enters the picture. And when passion is full-blown, it's unlikely that you will abandon your objectives.

2. Use your head to direct the passion that develops. Effective passion is a directed emotion that synergizes all your qualities to make a total you that is considerably greater than the sum of all those qualities. Some identify passion as "heart," because people with passion accomplish things that go beyond their physical and mental abilities.

3. Analyze what you want in life and come up with a plan for reaching those goals. Though passion can be brought on almost instantly by a life-changing event, it usually begins with a careful analysis of what you want in life. What is your direction? In short, what are your goals? After you clearly identify your goals, you develop a plan of action to reach those goals.

Nishanth Reddy is an author and publisher of popular self help blog. Visit his blog for more information on Success, happiness, goal setting, Self help, self-improvement and personal growth.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Whatever We Learnt, Let Us Offer That knowledge

Whatever We Have, Let Us Willingly Give

Whatever We Dream, Let Our Dream Inspire Others

And Bring Them New Courage To Help Their Dreams Live

Whatever We Gain, Let Us Always Be Ready To Share

The True Joy That We Find On The Way ...

For Success Is Not Measured By How Much We Won,

But By How Much We Lovingly Give, Day By Day


a message reflected by the universe

7th august 2007


Monday, August 06, 2007

Obstacles Are Nothing More Than Illusions

By Michael A. Verdicchio

An illusion is an erroneous perception of reality or an erroneous concept or belief. An optical illusion is an optical phenomenon that results in a false or deceptive visual impression. Optical illusions are a lot like what I call, "obstacle illusions."

For example, when you look down railroad tracks, what do you see? The farther down the tracks you look, the closer the two tracks appear to become. Despite the fact they appear to touch at one point, we all know that in actuality, they do not.

Anyone who is not convinced of this can simply walk down those tracks for awhile and discover for themselves that those tracks do not become physically any closer to each other. It's an optical illusion: a false or deceptive visual impression. It is something we see with our eyes that is really not true to fact.

Now, when I say "obstacle illusion," I mean an obstacle that gives you an erroneous perception of reality. An obstacle is simply something that opposes, or stands in the way, or holds up progress. Far too many people allow obstacles to stop them completely.

Suppose you were on a trip from one city to another and came across some road construction that closed the road you intended to take. Does that obstacle mean that the trip is over? Do you just give up, turn around and go home? If you were to view that obstacle as ending your trip, I would call that an obstacle illusion.

Why? It's because your entire trip doesn't have to end just because of a road closure. You may have to take a detour and go a little out of your way. You may not get there as quickly as you anticipated. You may not get to see the scenery you had hoped to see along the way. However, the trip does not have to be over. You can still get to your destination.

When it comes to life there are many obstacle illusions that just stop people cold in their tracks. A little roadblock pops up and, so often, people quit; they abandon their dreams and desires.

There will always be obstacles that pop up, however, regardless of the obstacle, what is most important is how you choose to see it. If you see it for what it is, just an obstacle, something that is only standing in the way, something that is just holding up progress, then that's fine. Ask for God's help to figure out what your next step will be.

You can be so determined to succeed that no matter what obstacle comes up, you are not going to be stopped in your endeavors. If you instead quit and throw in the towel, well, you've succumbed to an obstacle illusion.

One night many years ago, one of Thomas Edison's laboratories burned to the ground. The following morning, some of Mr. Edison's associates came to tell him about the fire. They were distraught and felt helpless. They told him how terrible it was, how that many of their experiments were lost, and they just didn't know what to do. His associates asked, "What should we do, Mr. Edison?"

Edison wanted to go take a look for himself.

It is reported that his laboratory at that time was worth over a million dollars, and he did not have insurance to cover the loss. After reviewing the damage, he turned to the men and said, "Let's clear it away and build a new laboratory."

Successful people don't quit and throw in the towel. No matter what obstacle you are faced with, don't focus on the obstacle, but instead look for the solution.

Stay focused and determined, and with God's help, there is no obstacle illusion that can stop you.

Michael A. Verdicchio is a husband, father, minister, and broadcaster. He has been the voice on numerous productions over the years.
Michael is the author and producer of Inspirational Pep Talks, available at
He has a free newsletter called, THE PEP LETTER, at
www.christianinspirationalgifts.com/pepletter.html .

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Success Is Only One Thought Away!

By Curt

In my over 14 years of Corporate and Business experience, I have gotten to know many successful individuals in various fields of expertise. Some of these successful people are multi-millionaires, some are respectable experts in their own field of trade. Although each of them has their own personalities, they seem to have some common traits.

One of this key common trait is they have Optimists mindset in their field of work or business. No matter how challenging the situation is, they continue to have strong positive attitude. At times it is as though that they already knew they could overcome the challenge ahead. Their mindset influence how they behave and what actions they take, and they take massive actions in the pursuing of their goal.

This observation is in-line with many motivational Gurus concept of:Belief leads to Behavior; Behavior leads to Actions; Repetitive massive actions; Actions lead to Result.

The successful people tend to have positive mindset and are optimistic most of the time. They take actions like there is no such thing as failure.

Like what Brian Tracy had mentioned in one of the seminar, successful people tend to have Optimistic Orientation, a particular way of thinking about life, the world and things happening around them. Optimist has 4 orientations:

1. Future Orientation They think about the future all the time and with positive expectation.
2. Goal Orientation They are focus in achieving their goal and most of their actions are acting towards achieving the results.
3. Growth Orientation They are always learning and are dire for knowledge. You will not have problem finding them in seminars, books shop or library.
4. Excellence Orientation They are always striving towards excellence.

In conclusion, you can be in the same rank of the successful people by adopting the Optimist Mindset, orientate your mind towards the 4 Orientations and with the correct set of belief, it will drive your behavior and actions which in turn lead to the desire results.

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Friday, August 03, 2007

Positive Quotes

"Keep Your Face To The Sunshine

And You Cannot See The Shadow."

**Helen Keller**


"The only limit to our realization of
tomorrow will be our doubts of today."

** Franklin D. Roosevelt**


"You Are Today Where Your Thoughts Have Brought You;
You Will Be Tomorrow Where Your Thoughts Take You"

**James Allen**

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Don't Quit Poem

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

** Author unknown**

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Daily Quotes

"Everyone who got to where

they are had to begin

where they were."

**Richard Paul Evans**